zaterdag 22 januari 2011

No Government, Great Country?

Tomorrow there will be a big demonstration in Brussels, to protest against the fact that we still have no government after more than 200 days. But personally I don't think this protest will have any influence. And even if it had, it might give the wrong signal. Because who are the protesters protesting against?

Against the French politicians for always saying "non" ?
Against Bart De Wever for making extremist demands?
Or maybe against themselves for having voted for those parties that are blocking the negotiations?

oh wait, it could be they are protesting against the Liberal party for pulling the plug out on the negotiations in the first place?

Maybe they are protesting against the RTBF for creating a negative hype with their "Bye Bye Belgium" programme?
Or could it be they are protesting against the Green party for not stepping out of the negotiations and demanding another democratic election?

Oh no wait, maybe some will be protesting because they actually agree that Belgium cannot function anymore, and they want to blow up this country.

That is the big dilemma with this protest action. On the Couchsurfing website they even called it a "strike": what signal does this "strike" send out to the financial markets? That Belgium is even worse off than they already thought?

Don't misunderstand me, I believe everybody has the right to protest in any way they see fit. I just think that protesting against nuclear power sends out a clear message. Protesting against "no government" doesn't.

1 opmerking:

  1. tum tum tum tum teu teu tum tum ...

    Don't Worry ...

    tum tum tum tum teu teu tum tum ...

